Want to change the world? - Wealth Creation Mastermind

Want to change the world?

The Mental Game

— Nov 2, 2016

Make no small plans

They have no magic to stir a man’s heart.

That’s what the Architect, Bertram Goodhue said about design, but it applies to life as well.


Thinking small holds you back.

It’s like owning a Ferrari and never getting out of first gear.

Everything ever built was first conceived in someone’s mind. Imagine if no one ever thought big thoughts. We’d have no engineering marvels, no skyscrapers, no space flight, no magnificent achievements to inspire our wonder.

The Principle of Polarity

Love and hate are just opposite ends of the spectrum of the same thing. Light and dark, black and white and all the colors in between. We get to choose which pole we draw our minds toward.

By putting our will power to work, each of us has the control to decide what to do with the mental faculties we’ve all been endowed with.

I’m constantly surprised by how self limiting most of us are. I’m embarrassed to admit how small my thinking can be some of the time. It takes a conscious effort to examine my goals and personal affirmations to be certain I’m creating boldly rather than holding myself back.

In The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles points out “it’s the natural and inherent impulse of life to seek more life. It’s the nature of intelligence to enlarge itself and the quality of consciousness to seek to extend its boundaries and find Fuller expression.”

How big are your thoughts?

It’s part of this principle of Polarity. How far along the spectrum between big and small is your vision for what you want to create in your life? There’s no real lack other than what we impose on ourselves.

One of the most successful men I know is really not much different than most people. He’s not supremely intelligent. He’s not musically gifted. He’s not mathematically talented. There are even some who find him offensive. In fact there’s nothing about him that makes his success seem obvious except on thing.

He sees himself as the agent of change able to make big things happen. He expects others follow him. He takes big action, but the thing that separates him from most others is how he thinks.

He thinks big thoughts and he does so with complete self confidence and with 100% expectation that he can accomplish anything he sets his mind to.

He has used the Principle of Polarity to polarize his mind to where he wants to be. How others see him is irrelevant.

Anyone can learn to do this

How big do you want your life to be? How much impact do you want to have? Which pole do you allow your mind to be drawn to?

I highly recommend you empower yourself with strong self expectation. You should be making a difference on the world around you.

I’m building a team of like minded individuals to do that. I hope you join me. Whatever you do, make it big and bold.

My vision is to personally be responsible for driving the sales of this one company to over $1,000,000,000,000 per year and making a positive impact on the lives of millions of people around the world.

Here’s your invitation to be a part of it.
