The Kybalion Explained (application) - Wealth Creation Mastermind

The Kybalion Explained (application)


— Mar 30, 2018

This article is the third in a three-part series on The Kybalion. The previous blogs explain what The Kybalion is, and The Kybalion’s principles. This blog offers actionable tips to help you apply The Kybalion to change your life. We’ve also written multiple blogs on two similar books, Think and Grow Rich and The Science of Getting Rich.

The Kybalion Explained in Seven Active Verbs

Think of The Kybalion, by Three Initiates, as the world’s first self-help book. It was published in 1912, but the aphorisms that support it originated in ancient Egypt. The concepts in The Kybalion allegedly go back 5000 years, and have reached millions of people across continents.

The Kybalion is premised on the theory that there is an intelligent thinking substance that pervades all space and time. By coming into harmony with this intelligent stuff you can, to a large extent, control what you manifest in your life.

Is This Blog Right For Me?

You should know that The Kybalion is written with the assumption that the reader has a basic grasp of The Creative Method of Thought. The Kybalion is an advanced book, and is ideal for students of the Creative Method, or the Law of Attraction, who want to build on their understanding. Similarly, this blog will provide advanced analysis and powerful action steps, rather than focusing on the basics.

The Seven Kybalion Principles

There are seven guiding principles outlined in The Kybalion. Each one intertwines with the others. When taken together, these concepts comprise a tool that will help you to navigate life more successfully. They will also sharpen and clarify your understanding of the Law of Attraction.

What we’ve done in this article is ask one key question about each of the Kybalion’s core concepts. This is an action-oriented blog, and answering each of these questions for yourself will help you to cultivate a stronger relationship with both your surroundings and your own mind.

At the end of the article we summarize The Kybalion with one word for each of the seven concepts. The seven words decode The Kybalion, making it easy for you to use the book to improve your own life.

Here are the seven core concepts:

  1. Mentalism
  2. Correspondence
  3. Vibration
  4. Polarity
  5. Rhythm
  6. Causation
  7. Gender

Here is a clue about the most important Kybalion principle. There are 15 chapters in the book, and 12 of those chapters are dedicated to explaining the 7 principles. Six of the principles are explained in one chapter each. But the first Kybalion concept, Mentalism, has five chapters dedicated to it. If you want to truly understand The Kybalion, then you need to understand mentalism.

The Kybalion Concept #1: Mentalism

Money doesn’t grow on (?). Money is the root of all (?). Time is (?). You all know exactly how to finish each statement. That’s because of mental programming that you received when you were younger. That thinking is locked deep in your subconscious mind and it influences how you perceive the notion of money.

Inductive reasoning

That mental programming is called inductive thinking. It has been placed in your mind by the thoughts of others. We are constantly bombarded with messages seeking to influence our behavior. Think about political campaign slogans or about soft drink and snack food commercials. Almost everything is presented to us in a way that’s supposed to get us to consume something.

Everything is conveyed to you in a way to influence your thinking about it. This product will make you thinner, younger, sexier, more attractive, more vital… These are examples of others trying, inductively, to influence your thinking for the benefit of themselves. Not necessarily for your benefit.

Deductive reasoning

The best way to counter the inductive thoughts from others is to learn to think deductively, for yourself. What is in your highest and best interest? Once you determine that, then act in a way that you deduce will move you in the direction of your goals and desires.

Mentalism is the key, core, and primary of The Kybalion’s core concepts. The message is that you can think for yourself in a way that allows you to design and transform your life into whatever you can visualize it to be.

Note: the Three Initiates use the terms ‘induction’ and ‘deduction’ differently from most philosophers.

Mentalism question

What do you believe is the highest and best version of yourself?

The Kybalion Concept #2: Correspondence

Imagine a stairway that leads from the basement of a building all the way to the roof. Let each step represent a thought. The stairs in the basement are associated with disempowering emotions like:

  • Hopelessness
  • Despair
  • Depression
  • Fear
  • Grief

As you move up to the first floor, the stairs symbolize slightly higher feelings such as:

  • Discouragement
  • Blame
  • Worry
  • Doubt

Climb up another level and the corresponding sentiments are:

  • Pessimism
  • Boredom
  • Contentment

Yet another level closer to the top the steps represent:

  • Hopefulness
  • Optimism
  • Belief

Finally on the flight to reach the roof the treads stand for:

  • Passion
  • Appreciation
  • Gratitude
  • Joy
  • Love

Every step abuts the one above and the one below. They all correspond. The choice of going up or down is yours to make. Esther and Jerry Hicks’ Ask and It Is Given provides excellent insight into the power of the emotional scale. Here’s the Amazon link.

Correspondence question

Are you climbing higher or lower?

The Kybalion Concept #3: Vibration

Every thought and feeling has a corresponding vibration. Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, is a titan in the world of international finance. For years, every time he had a physical exam, he was convinced that he’d be diagnosed with something terrible. He was actually astonished every time his doctor gave him a clean bill of health. Eventually, Lloyd was diagnosed with cancer.

The Kybalion suggests that his predominant belief was that he would have to fight a terrible battle to save his health. It was as though the broadcasting station of his mind was transmitting a thought with the vibration of disease. The disease simply responded to the vibration. This is one example of the Law of Attraction at work.

What is your predominant thought?

By changing the mental vibrations that occupy your thoughts, you can attract anything into your life. Whatever is vibrating on the same frequency that you are putting out is what you are drawing to yourself. If you’re always frustrated by how hard you work and how little money you make, then that’s what you’ll attract more of. The principle thought that occupies your mind is what you are broadcasting to the universe, and that’s what you’ll attract.

Vibration question

What are you transmitting as your predominant thought?

The Kybalion Concept #4: Polarity

How would you understand cold if you had never experienced heat? Could you perceive light if you’d never been in total darkness? Probably not. The same is true of emotional states like love and hate, or happiness and sadness. Use the example of the emotional stairway from above to understand this principle. The emotions on the roof are the polar opposite of those in the basement. It’s impossible to have one pole without its opposite. Poverty and prosperity are opposite poles of the same thing.

What this means is that going from poverty to prosperity isn’t a quantum leap; it’s just sliding along a scale, which is much easier.

Your choice

What separates humans from everything else in creation is our gift of free will. You get to choose what you think about. It is up to you whether you concentrate on what you want and desire, or on what you despise. It’s not easy, but by choosing what you concentrate on, you can consciously move up the stairway—or down it, if you build an altar to your negative emotions. Just know that whatever you allow your mind to dwell on is what you are calling into your life.

Step outside yourself

Reflect on where you are on the scale of your thoughts. What occupies your mind? Do you think more about what you desire or about what you fear? Center your attention on the vision of the person you want to become. Take time to be mindful. Hold a mirror up to your thoughts. Where are you on the sliding scale between what you yearn for and what you hope to avoid?

Polarity question

Where are you magnetizing your thoughts?

The Kybalion Concept #5: Rhythm

Imagine a unique river. It’s different because unlike an average waterway, this one has two currents. One moves upstream, the other flows down. Generally, the current moving upstream is associated with joy and pleasure, while the current moving downstream is associated with pain and unhappiness.

Back and forth

In all of nature there is a constant rhythm from one side of the river to the other. One moment the tide surges in and the next it ebbs back out. Life is like a swing in perpetual motion, always moving back and forth. That’s the nature of life on all planes of existence, physical, intellectual and spiritual. You’ve probably seen this in your own life: you’ve had peaks where everything felt amazing, and troughs where everything seemed to be going wrong. At any given time, you can use your mental faculties to be aware of which side of the river you’re on.

Swim with the tide

If you choose to fight the current and try and go against it, then swimming will require a great deal of effort and your progress will be slow. Or, you can swim with the flow. Like all the other Principles this one can be used to your advantage by knowing how to benefit from it.

Rhythm question

Are you swimming with the tide, or are you fighting it?

The Kybalion Concept #6: Cause and Effect

Have you ever played eight ball? You rack the balls in a triangular formation. Then you use the cue-stick to drive the que-ball into the rack of balls. The object of the game is to sink certain balls in certain pockets of the table in a certain order. Sometime the results of the balls bouncing off each other seems random. But in fact, there is nothing arbitrary about it. Every movement the balls make, even if it seems chaotic, is a result of the laws of physics. That’s the way life is.

Nothing happens by chance

Chance is just a term we use because we have not yet discovered the laws that control any given circumstance. Every result that shows up has been caused by certain actions that were taken. That means that we’re constantly living in the residue caused by our thoughts and actions in the past. The bottom line is that if you don’t like the effect of the actions that you’ve taken in the past, then alter your actions to create a better future.

Causation question

What actions are you taking, and how will they contribute to your future?

The Kybalion Concept #7: Gender

This Kybalion concept has nothing to do with whether you’re a male or female. Every one of us, as well as everything in creation, has masculine as well as feminine attributes. For this discussion, the aspect of gender that we’re most focused on are its mental attributes.


The masculine polarity of the mind is the active, conscious, volitional mind. The part that is able to think deductively and make decisions regarding direction and action. It causes the impulse and action to be initiated.


This is the creative, passive, subconscious mind that is associated with generation and regeneration. It has no ability to initiate or change direction, but it is reflective and big-picture.


The ideal way to use The Kybalion’s law of Gender is to be aware that there is a time for each aspect. There is a time to act decisively, to initiate activity in the direction of achieving your goals. Equally vital is the need to balance the active polarity with the passive. To reflect and take measure. To consider whether course corrections are advisable.

Gender question

When should you exercise the masculine, when the feminine?

The Kybalion Questions

Mentalism – what do you believe?
Correspondence – are you climbing higher or lower?
Vibration – what are you transmitting?
Polarity – where are you magnetizing your thoughts?
Rhythm – are you swimming with the tide or fighting it?
Cause and Effect – what actions are you taking?
Gender – when should you exercise the masculine, when the feminine?

One word reminders

Mentality – believe
Correspondence – climb
Vibration – transmit
Polarity – magnetize
Rhythm – swim
Causation -act
Gender -exercise

Taking The Kybalion’s Lessons Further

If you want to answer the above questions on your own, then that’s okay. They’ll help you to understand these principles more fully, and to use them to build a more successful life. But learning these principles might be the most important, most powerful skill that you ever develop. If you want to cut the learning curve and build this skill with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs, then you owe it to yourself to join the Wealth Creation Mastermind.

Surround yourself with people and information that helps you elevate your own life and that of those around you. We highly recommend that you fill out the form below this blog now.