The WCM’s Law of Attraction Course
Law of Attraction
The premise of the Wealth Creation Mastermind’s Law of Attraction course is that every thought has a vibrational frequency. An oscillation. A wave pattern. You are constantly broadcasting the frequency of the predominant thoughts in your mind. That pulsation is instantly picked up and always responded to. You attract what you resonate. The Law of Attraction course instructs participants how to use thought to attract what they desire.
Why should you engage in a Law of Attraction course?
Because the Law of Attraction is constantly at work, one thing becomes thunderously clear. It is far better to control what you want to attract consciously than to meander through life unconsciously. The choice is yours. You can be an active participant in creating results you want or be a pawn to the thoughts of others.
Are you having difficulty mastering the Law of Attraction? You’re not alone. But like any skill, learning the Law of Attraction is easier when you’re surrounded by like-minded people who are working through the same problems. It’s also easier when you can draw from a proven curriculum to cut the learning curve. That’s what our law of Attraction course offers. It’s essentially a Law of Attraction accelerator that can help you accelerate your learning.
Design your life
Imagine living the perfect life. That may sound frivolous. It’s actually your first step. The faster that you embrace the truth the better. You are in the driver’s seat. Your choice is to sit there and allow your vehicle to careen recklessly down the highway of life, or you can take the controls and steer in the direction of your desires.
You have to do it yourself, but you can’t do it alone
The rationale for engaging in a Law of Attraction course is teleological. Put it this way. Say you know that somewhere in a vast forest is located a treasure of incalculable value. It further comes to your attention that there is a guide who can take you straight to this store of wealth. By the same token you know that there will be a price to pay for that guidance. Your alternative is to wander aimlessly and indefinitely in search of a prize you may never discover on your own. What would you do?
Your expedition
Furthermore, like any great explorer, you know the value of surrounding yourself with a group of able-bodied companions on your quest. What’s more, you intuitively understand the necessity of selecting your companions with the utmost care. Once you make the decision to harness the Law of Attraction you have a series of exercises to complete. The first task is to compile a list of attributes you are seeking in your colleagues. This becomes your initial criteria:
- Decisive
- Faithful
- Loyal
- Committed
- Imaginative
The right group and the right guide can function as a Law of Attraction accelerator for you that speeds up your progress towards your goals.
How the Law of Attraction works
You are responsible for creating your life. Whatever you are experiencing right now is the direct result of the predominant thoughts, feelings, and emotions that you have either consciously or unconsciously transmitted with your mind. Furthermore, you can learn how to cause the things you think about to be created.
Law of Attraction accelerator
The most compelling reason for you to take the Wealth Creation Mastermind Law of Attraction accelerator course is two-fold. First, you will gain the specialized knowledge required to put the LoA into practice. Second, you will be provided with specific action steps along with support to attract physical, intellectual and spiritual abundance into your life.
Our Law of Attraction course: nine months of in-depth education
The course consists of 36 separate exercises presented weekly. We follow an organized curriculum that leverages universal principles and the creative method to achieve success. The course is composed of three elements.
Why is our Law of Attraction course free?
Unlike most programs, the Wealth Creation Mastermind’s Law of Attraction course costs exactly $0. There’s an application process, but whether you’re accepted or not, you won’t have to pay a dollar.
But that doesn’t mean the course is ‘free.’ Cost is a relative term. Although the WCM charges you nothing for the course, it is far from free. The price you will pay is in time, commitment, and the hardest work known to humankind. Sustained and disciplined thought. In fact, it is so difficult to master the principles that very few do so. This despite the certainty that it will provide you with a Master-Key for unlocking your desires.
This course functions as a Law of Attraction accelerator: think of it as the potential to double your speed. If you’re going 0 mph—if you’re not interested in doing the work—than it won’t help you; because 0 x 2 = 0. But once you hit the gas, and commit to the work, you can go a lot farther, a lot faster, than you could on your own.
But that said, anyone willing to do the work is welcomed. We want to help you transform your life. That’s why there’s no monetary cost.
Advance in the way of increase
We teach a method of creative thought that professes that by giving others the avenue to advance themselves we receive increase in return. In alignment with this cognition is faith. Faith that giving others the crucial wisdom to successfully manifest their desires results in a return to us of greater proportion. The more you give, the more you receive.
Phase 1 of the Law of Attraction accelerator course: thoughts
Phase 1 of the WCM Law of Attraction program requires learning to think in a precise way. It is truly the razor’s edge. Slipping to one side or the other of an exacting form of thought completely nullifies your efforts. When scaling Mt. Everest, the intrepid climber adheres to a narrow ridge as she ascends. Sliding from the ridge can result in a tumble that erases the progress made on the ascent and requires the climber to begin anew. That is an apt analogy for the discipline, attention, and perseverance required to achieve the creative method of thought.
Phase 2 of the Law of Attraction accelerator course: action
Phase 2 of the program is coupling thinking in a certain way with acting in a certain way. By thought you create the thing you want. By action you receive it. The Law of Attraction Program combines both.
Use of Law of Attraction affiliate programs
To achieve financial freedom, you need to discover a secret most millionaires already know. You have to create multiple streams of income. However, not just any kind of income. Specifically, it needs to be passive income. Passive income is the opposite of active income. Active income is where you trade time for money. Active income is the strategy 98% of the population employs to earn a living. Whether you are an Uber driver, an attorney, a surgeon, or a corporate employee, you are probably putting in hours for dollars. It’s what most people do and it’s why very few have as much free time to enjoy their lives as they desire. Affiliate programs are an ideal way to achieve financial freedom.
Get off the treadmill
The best way to escape the rat race of active income is to get paid over and over for work done once. That’s the essence of passive income. It’s practiced by the top 1%. The secret to passive income is leverage. There are two ways to create leverage: people at work and money at work.
Multiple streams of income
Having multiple streams of passive income from numerous sources is a concept most financial freedom trainers like Robert Kiyosaki advocate. The idea is to free yourself from reliance on only one income. Some Wealth Creation coaches like Bob Proctor advocate having three or more streams of income. We agree with Bob.
Business of the future
The reason affiliate programs are exploding in popularity is because of the list of criteria they meet.
- Unlimited income potential
- Passive and ongoing residual income
- Small –
- initial investment
- or no ongoing investment required
- Ability to turn a positive cash flow rapidly
- Work –
- for yourself
- with no boss
- when you want
- full or part time
- Work only with others you choose to work with
- No –
- employees
- inventory
- product development expenses
- warehouse
- office expenses
- borders
- territory limits
- politics
- Ability to use the tax code to minimize your taxes
- Low risk
- High potential –
- reward
- return
- International
- Recession proof
- Open to all –
- male
- female
- young (or not)
- no religious or ethnic barriers or advantages
- Fun
How to be a Law of Attraction practitioner
Whether you consciously practice creating the effects in your life or not does not alter one universal truth. The Law of Attraction is constantly at work. Your choice is to take control of what you manifest or allow yourself to be swept along in the current of life. It’s the difference between a log and a swimmer.
What it takes
1) Desire –
All achievement begins with a burning desire. Know exactly what you want.
2) Decision –
Not a hope, a wish or want to, but a clear definite, irrefutable conclusion to achieve your goal.
3) Specialized knowledge –
The knowledge of precisely what to do, when to do it, and how to get it done.
4) Autosuggestion –
Repeatedly transferring an idea from the conscious, volitional mind to the subconscious activates a sixth sense.
5) Subconscious mind –
This is the part of your mind that communicates with and receives guidance from Infinite Intelligence.
6) Persistence –
The law of rhythm dictates that there is an ebb and flow to everything. Know that your tide is rising.
What is a Law of Attraction accelerator?
Every practitioner discovers the longer and more intently they apply the LoA principles the more proficient they become at consciously creating the outcome they desire. However, it is not necessary to spend years of study before beginning to generate results. There are steps you can take to magnify your return of effort. Surround yourself with a Mastermind of like-minded people who are also working at understanding and applying these principles.
When you work in conjunction with a group of others, the group functions as a Law of Attraction accelerator because it cuts the learning curve. We highly recommend you click the ‘Apply for Free!’ button on this page to join the Wealth Creation Mastermind.

John Rogers is a former Wall Street portfolio manager and served as CEO of Premium Enterprises and President of The Colorado Tire Recycling Center. He transitioned to digital marketing, founding to empower home-based entrepreneurs with cutting-edge strategies. Creator of the “Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation” online course, John has driven significant growth in network marketing, achieving the Blue Diamond rank and earning the title of Univera Associate of the Year in 2015. His expertise in leveraging technology for financial success transforms how entrepreneurs achieve their business goals.