Use Positive Quotes About Money to Design Your Life

Law of Attraction

— Oct 16, 2018

The way you think and feel about money determines how much of it you attract. Reading and speaking aloud positive money quotes alters how you perceive prosperity. Make an intentional decision to develop an affirmative relationship with wealth. Read and verbalize positive quotes about money frequently. The most important thing about attracting abundance is your belief system. The way you experience prosperity is tied to the thoughts about it in your subconscious mind.

Law of Attraction money quote: I am a prosperity magnet!

The sage Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, made the observation that “all that we are is the result of what we have thought.” That’s another way of saying that everything is a consequence of what’s going on in your cranium. The first thing to know about money is it’s all in your head. The reason to surround yourself with positive money quotes is to control what goes on in your thoughts.

Successful people learn to reframe their inner scripts around money to focus on wealth and abundance. Developing emotions of happiness and abundance around money is a key to building wealth.


Positive Quotes About Money Help You Rewrite Your Money Self Talk

How often have you heard terms like:

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • Love of money is the root of all evil
  • The best things in life are free
  • Money can’t buy happiness
  • A fool and his money are soon parted

Now think about who you heard these quotes from. How old were you when you first heard them? The issue many people have with attracting abundance is the preconditioning they have received about wealth. It is usually the result of thoughts induced into our young minds before we learned to think deductively for ourselves.

Positive quote about money: The universe has an unlimited supply of abundance! There is more than enough for my fellow man and for myself to be rich.

The reason we must learn to use positive money quotes is to change the negative programing imprinted into our minds when we were children. Consciously choose to rewrite the beliefs you have allowed into your subconscious mind about money. By doing so you begin to attract the things you want into your life. You start the process of causing the things you think about to be created.

Law of Attraction money quote: money flows to me constantly! Generating financial success is as natural as breathing.

Maybe you believe money is physical. As a result of that thought you are affected by how many dollar bills you have in your wallet. If your billfold is full then you feel rich. On the other hand, if there’s nothing there you feel poor. What is going on is you are being influenced by an illusion instead of by the truth. The only substantially real thing about money is the paper it’s printed on. Everything else is just a concept that we collectively agree on. Rather than consent to the value of a $100 bill we could just as easily come to a group consensus on the value of a pinecone. The bill simply represents a shared accord.

Positive quote about money: I attract money every day in every way! I’m always earning money.


Use Positive Quotes About Money to Program Your Mind

When you speak or read a Law of Attraction money quote you are activating your imagination. We think in pictures. When you are asked to describe something, an image of it pops up in your mind. For example, your car, house, pet, spouse, office, bedroom, last vacation. See what just happened?

Positive quote about money: my checking account always overflows with money!

The word ‘imagination’ is based on image. The images you hold in your mind with faith and belief are the plan for the life you are designing. Your imagination is one of the most important mental faculties you can use to program how you think and feel about money. By constantly feeding your mind with images about how you want to experience life, you are generating a belief deep in your subconscious mind that you are living what you are imagining.

Positive quote about money: I love being wealthy! Success, and making money easily, are wonderful!

Using your imagination is a fundamental and essential part of becoming prosperous. That is because you are literally building the blueprint of your future life on the movie screen in your mind. Every time you repeat a positive money quote you are activating a picture of the thing you desire. Everything about becoming rich revolves around seeing, believing, and feeling rich in your imagination.


Combine “I AM” with Positive Money Quotes

Certain words have a profound impact on the psyche. The phrase I am is deeply connected to the concept of self. When you precede an affirmative statement about abundance with “I Am” it has the effect of amplifying the statement’s impact. This is because you are making it tremendously personal. By speaking it in your own voice with belief and emotion you are bypassing most of the subconscious resistance that prevents your self talk from being believed.

Positive quote about money: I am so happy and grateful now that I have multiple streams of passive income!


Benefits of Using Law of Attraction for Money Quotes

Consider the following benefits of reading and speaking positive quotes about money frequently throughout the day.

  1. What you choose to let into your mind empowers you to eliminate self-destructive self-talk.
  2. Positive money quotes change negative programing and build self-confidence.
  3. Law of Attraction money quotes build belief and faith in your ability to design your life.
  4. Reading positive quotes about money focuses your mind on what you desire.
  5. Constantly stimulating your mind with Law of Attraction quotes about money helps you think in a certain way.
  6. Choosing to read, watch and listen to Law of Attraction quotes about money produces benefits you can see, feel and measure.

To be clear, reading quotes about money isn’t enough in and of itself. You still have to hustle and be working hard towards your goals. But internalizing these quotes can be powerful because cultivating the right mindset is half the battle.

Positive quote about money: I am one with the energy of money!


Positive Quotes About Money Encode Your Subconscious

The subconscious part of your mind causes the reality you experience to be created. This is where all the thoughts, beliefs and feelings that you feed it form the image of the reality you expect to materialize. The law of attraction is based on the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. The beliefs and images you hold in your subconscious mind with faith and belief are seeds of thought. What you hold as true in your subconscious mind is what will begin to manifest in the outside world.

Law of Attraction money quote: I am a prosperity machine!


Use Multiple Sources for Positive Quotes About Money

There are books, blogs, videos, and movies about money. Take advantage of all of them. To really understand why the Law of Attraction works you need to understand two things.

  • First – The predetermined, universal, unalterable Laws of Creation we are all subject to
  • Second – How your mind works

Law of Attraction money quote: abundance and prosperity are my natural state!

The best way to begin to develop insight is to read our blog on three books about the topic. Here’s the link – Wealth Creation Books. Reading the blog will provide you with the foundation you need to fully grasp why it is imperative to use positive affirmations about money to control how you think about it.

Here are two more books, with Amazon affiliate links that we highly recommend.

Positive quote about money: money flows to me like water to the ocean!

In addition to reading and speaking affirmations for money, add in the visual stimulation of videos. Here are two YouTube examples.

The way to look at this is like planting a garden. Instead of planting a flower or vegetable garden, you are planting an idea garden. If you cultivate it with time and attention, you are rewarded with a beautiful harvest. But it takes effort and consistency. It has to be weeded, watered, and fertilized. Just like seeds of a plant take time to germinate, the same thing is required of the thoughts you are sowing in your subconscious mind. However, just like you know a seed will sprout, take root and grow, you can have precisely the same faith that your idea is going to spring up and become real on the physical plane.

Positive quote about money: I attract wealth and prosperity every day, in every way!


Take Control of Your Thoughts About Money

Rather than waking up in the morning, turning on cable TV and getting bombarded with someone else’s agenda, choose deliberately what thoughts you allow into your mind. Set up a news app on all of your devices to filter out any stories you don’t want. Select only positive sources. Read, memorize and speak only the thoughts you want to materialize in your life. Guard your mind like a precious jewel. Learn how to do internet searches for positive news. Search YouTube for inspiration and education.

Law of Attraction money quote: Money is attracted to me and I am attractive to money!

The only thing anyone has 100% control of is the thoughts we allow to occupy our own minds. However, it’s vital to understand that it takes a conscious decision to train your mind to hold only the ideas you wish to flourish. Go beyond reading and speaking positive money quotes. Take the time to memorize the ones that move and excite you the most. Once you have your favorite positive money quotes indelibly etched into your memory, make it a habit to repeat them out loud throughout your day.

Law of Attraction money quote: money is energy that I attract every moment of every day!


Speak Positive Money Quotes Every Day

Repeating your positive money quotes only works if you do it all the time. If you go for days and days without reading positive quotes about money, this technique will never work for you. We have all had the experience of making a decision to accomplish a goal like getting in shape or losing weight. What we all learn is that if you go to the gym one day a week and do nothing the other six days your fitness never improves. The same is true of losing a few pounds. If you fast one day a week and eat whatever you want the remainder of the week you’ll probably gain weight instead of lose it. The same is true with using positive money quotes to reprogram our subconscious beliefs about prosperity. Like building muscle, it has to be done regularly, consistently and persistently.

Law of Attraction money quote: there is always abundance available to me and everyone who knows how to attract it!


Make Law of Attraction Quotes About Money Work for You

Follow these three steps to ensure that repeating positive quotes about money works effectively.

  1. Make a list of thoughts about money that align with your chief aim in life.
  2. Choose multiple sources of Law of Attraction quotes about money
  3. Join a Master Mind Group of other like minded individuals

These strategies will serve you because they focus your mind on what is most important to you. If you are looking for a supportive group of highly motivated individuals who are all engaged in doing the work of achieving prosperity and becoming the highest and best versions of themselves possible, we highly encourage you to fill out the form on this page to apply to become a member of the Wealth Creation Mastermind.