A Steversified View of The Kybalion – Part II—The Principles of Rhythm and Vibration
What are the Principles of Rhythm and Vibration? How can learning the Principle of Rhythm and the Principle of Vibration help you to master The Kybalion and improve your life?
My name is Stephen Rousseau, my friends call me Stever. I am excited to share my thoughts after my initial reading of The Kybalion with the Wealth Creation Mastermind. I was introduced to this writing by the WCM and am grateful I was led to this.
In this series of blog posts, I focus on the seven principles as gleaned from my first read and multiple discussions with the WCM on the Monday Night Curriculum Calls. (Join us!) I share what I’ve discovered on the seven principles by viewing them through the filter of Four Views Of I, a book I wrote to present a dynamic introspection of self (as I explained in the first post).
This is the second post in a series of five and it focuses on the music of the universe as expressed in the Principle of Vibration and the Principle of Rhythm.
When all parts have been posted, they will be linked from here:
A Steversified View of The Kybalion – Part I (Overview)
A Steversified View of The Kybalion – Part II (Principles of Vibration & Rhythm) (This post)
A Steversified View of The Kybalion – Part III (Principles of Correspondence & Cause and Effect)
A Steversified View of The Kybalion – Part IV (Principles of Polarity & Gender)
A Steversified View of The Kybalion – Part V (Principle of Mentalism)
Why I view the 7 principles as 4
Before publishing the book Four Views of I – Instinct, Intellect, Intuition, and Intention (available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble), it was summed up in a booklet. If you’d like a glimpse of the book you may download a free PDF of the booklet.
The Principles of Vibration and Rhythm (instinct – body) principles 3&5
The Kybalion chapters related to this section are:
Chapter 9) Principle of Vibration (Principle #3)
Chapter 11) Principle of Rhythm (Principle #5)
It’s about time
This part is all about time. Without time, we would not have movement or vibration, and trying to study the Principle of Rhythm or the Principle of Vibration would be an impossibility. Once the clock started, so to speak, it moved only in one direction. Therefore the fourth dimension is said to be vibration in The Kybalion, which is why it’s important to talk about the Principle of Vibration. Albert Einstein helped us to understand that the fourth dimension is best described as time. Without time, there is no movement, without movement, there is no rhythm or vibration.
The Principles of Vibration and Rhythm are all about the music of the universe. Who can argue? The universe is a symphony of sights and sounds. Tripping the light fantastic while dancing to the sound.
• The Principle of Vibration sets the tone of all that is.
• The Principle of Rhythm sets the timing of all that is. Timing is everything.
Big Bang – Just in Time!
Time had a beginning, and it is time that defines our universe. The Bible speaks of everlasting, so perhaps there is no end to time, but it most certainly had a beginning. Before time, there was nothing. Everything that is came Ex Nihilo, from nothing.
Before time was, I AM! Intelligent Information is timeless. The Kybalion calls this Thought. Thought has always been, is now, and ever shall be; both in time, and when time shall be no more. (Covered in the previous post of this series.)
Why is it important to know about all of this to understand the Principle of Vibration and the Principle of Rhythm?
In the first post was mentioned the choice of the Conductive Path as a mechanism (conduit) to get where you want to be. The Definite Chief Aim as Napoleon Hill called it in Think and Grow Rich. The Conductive Path transcends the natural path of least resistance. By defining your definite chief aim, you open the transcendent portal to that goal. Accept the invitation to press on toward the goal.
Even though The Kybalion talks about the Principle of Vibration first, we’ll look at the Principle of Rhythm first.
What is the Principle of Rhythm?
What is the Principle of Rhythm?
Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. (The Kybalion, Chapter 11)
As mentioned above, the Principle of Rhythm sets the timing of all that is, and Timing is Everything. In our universe, time is the delta, the differentiator. Timing is the manifestation of Time.
In the computer I am writing this on, there is an underlying timing circuit. Without this underlying beat, nothing would synchronize, nothing would be in alignment. The Central Processor could not shift information to and from short or long-term memory, let alone manipulate it. In this sense, the Principle of Rhythm keeps the entire universe synchronized.
In communication, a receiver could never tune in to the transmission without aligning with the frequency. This can only happen with a common timing circuit. There is a base metronome of the universe upon which everything aligns. This universal beat is called rhythm and studying the Principle of Rhythm can help us to understand this core feature of the universe.
The Importance of the Principle of Rhythm: Everything has a Rhythm
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven – The Byrds
Foundational to the Principle of Rhythm is the idea that there are cycles in time. A flow and inflow, a swing backward and forward, ebb and flow of the tide. This is the path of growth and expansion which began at the Big Bang. Cycles move everything forward, just as a wheel turning on its axis with the circumference using friction to advance. If the wheel doesn’t turn, it doesn’t move forward. Time is unidirectional and it moves toward increase.
All matter in the universe is created to increase the universe in ever expanding glory. Some believe even time is cyclical. Douglas Adams coined the term “Gnab Gib” as that point in time when the universe finally contracts down to the singularity it began with. (It is “Big Bang” backwards) Time will tell if there is a cycle to time itself.
How do you use the Principle of Rhythm?
Why does understanding the Principle of Rhythm matter to you?
A surfer knows to select the right time to catch a wave. Too early, you’ll slip over the top as the wave passes under. Too late and the crest of the wave will break and break you with its awesome power. Get the timing just right, and you’re sitting on top of the world!
In the same way, a Master of the Principle of Rhythm can choose to ride only the positive crests of the waves of life. They know when to step off a cycle onto another. In the same way a boat rises with the tide.
In electronics we use an analog to digital converter to change the cycles into a positive. A diode will only allow current to flow in one direction, so when the cycle turns negative, the diode stops the flow through it. Positive Thinking is your diode of life. Using it stops the negative. But that negative cycle still happens for a certain amount of time. During that normal downtime, nothing occurs because you’ve blocked the negative. Even though the swing doesn’t go negative, zero is negative relative to the high cycle. So, the cycle continues. Mastering this cycle is the essential application of the Principle of Rhythm.
Building a full bridge rectifier
In electronics, we can configure four diodes in a way which will take the negative swing of the incoming signal and flip it. Now, because of the way these diodes manipulate the signal, the negative is suddenly positive. That period of time which was at zero with one diode now becomes another positive up-swing. Amazingly, we have four aspects of our individuality we can apply a diode of Positive Thinking to. (See the first post of this series for more info on the Four Views of I) Doing this in the right way will result in a person who is always positive. Again, there are still cycles, but when you master the Principle of Rhythm, they go from positive to zero instead of positive to negative.
Chick-a-boom, chick-a-boom, don’t you just love it? Get with the beat, man! I’ve got rhythm… I’ve got music… who could ask for anything more? What a great segue way to the next principle:
In electronics we use an inductor to even out the swing. This Analog to Digital life conversion is a topic worth future study, don’t you think? Building circuits to improve your life! Perhaps we can even find some that are already built Plug-and-Play!
What is the Principle of Vibration?
Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. (The Kybalion, Chapter 9)
The Principle of Vibration is the natural complement to the Principle of Rhythm.
The core of the Principle of Vibration is the truth that nothing is still. Everything vibrates. Everything has a frequency. If something ceases to vibrate, it ceases to exist.
An object at rest cannot be stopped! – The Bomber what bombs at midnight. (The Tick)
I am a fan of Ben Edlund’s super hero, The Tick. One memorable episode of the classic cartoon featured an evil villain (is there any other kind?) who spoke a profound truth. I immediately locked onto his quote, “An object at rest cannot be stopped!” It has a double meaning, and both are true, depending on your point of view:
If it is at rest,
it is already stopped.
If it is at rest,
it is still in motion, vibrating in place.
Why do I quote from cartoons, movies, music, whatever? Because everything that is created by man is created out of the Mastermind of Humanity which includes everyone who has lived, is alive now, and will live. It is all relevant and provides a unique insight into all that is.
Abundantly Clear
Find out what I wrote in a booklet titled “Abundance or Bust!” of which you may download a free copy.
Why all the movement?
Matter, Energy, Mind, and Spirit all vibrate in this universe. It is the manifestation of the Power of The ALL. If you take nothing, pull something out of it, you will have something and negative something. Matter and Antimatter. This is how God created Ex Nihilo (something from nothing).
A very simple analogy to help us understand the Principle of Vibration: in electronics, sometimes we need to conserve power. There are two lamps I need to keep lit, yet I only have enough power to light one. A beautiful feature of these lamps is that when the power is turned off, the lamp continues to glow for half a second. Therefore, if I light the lamp for half a second and turn it off for the other half a second, it will stay lit for the full second. Thus, by alternating which lamp is turned on for each half a second, it will keep them both lit with the power required for one, oscillating between the two.
Consider this: It is the same way that God keeps it ALL going. Vibration is the switching between existing and non-existing. The switching happens fast enough that matter appears solid all the time. As the universe grows and expands, the frequency increases. This is critical to understanding the Principle of Vibration.
He who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the scepter of power. (The Kybalion, Chapter 9)
There is so much to learn. We know of four states of matter, progressively rising in frequency from one to another. The first three states of matter are: solid, liquid, gas. Dihydrogen Oxide is the most commonly used to illustrate the first three states because it can be Ice, Water, or Steam. The fourth state of matter is a bit more elusive, it is known as plasma. Plasma is when the molecular bond breaks down. Even though all the constituents are available, the frequency is so high, the sub-atomic particles are incoherent.
See, there is that number four again… solid, liquid, gas, plasma. Four states of matter. So, is there really a fourth state of water to complete the wonder of Dihydrogen Oxide? Yes indeed.
Music scale
Sound vibration heard by the human ear runs from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. All music is within this range. Pythagoras was the first to discover harmonies and duplication at certain steps along this frequency range. His discovery is very mathematical and is all based on ratios. (Pythagoras also presented his theory of The Music of the Spheres, a worthy topic of a future post.)
Whole notes are divided into 7 notes. That’s it. As you go up the scale, the eighth note is double the frequency of the first note. Do – Re – Mi – Fa – So – La – Ti… and that brings us back to Do! The notes are labeled A – B – C – D – E – F – G. A above Middle C on the piano is 440 Hz.
The piano ranges from 27.5 Hz to 4,186 Hz (Based on A above Middle C at 440 Hz). There are eight full octaves on a piano. An octave is double the base frequency. That means each A note is twice the frequency of the previous A.
Don’t freq out!
It is easy to get bogged down in the details of frequency interaction in music. How does this relate to the Principle of Vibration? Everything has a frequency. If you make a steel tuning fork a certain size and shape which resonates at 440 Hz, any time it is struck, it will vibrate at that frequency. Speaking of resonance, any tuning fork of the same size in the area will vibrate sympathetically.
Why does the Principle of Vibration matter?
The universe is very complicated. All these vibrations interact with each other. Sympathetic frequencies can join together and increase in power. Opposing frequencies can diminish to the point of cancelling each other out. (That’s how noise cancelling headphones work: they sample the background noise, invert it, and add it to the amplified signal of the music, effectively destroying the noise.)
Noise Cancelling Headphones are an example of putting the statement “He who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the scepter of Power” into action!
What is the difference between the Principle of Rhythm and the Principle of Vibration?
Rhythm is all about synchronization. Vibration is all about existence. Even rhythm is a vibration, otherwise it wouldn’t exist. The Principle of Rhythm is critical to study because rhythm is what resonates and synchronizes the universe. The Principle of Vibration is equally critical. The two principles are completely integrated, and one can’t exist without the other. As we move through the rest of the seven principles, we will see this is true for all of them.
If you’re not familiar with them, here’s a quick overview of the 7 principles:
• Principle of Mentalism
• Principle of Vibration
• Principle of Polarity
• Principle of Rhythm
• Principle of Cause & Effect
• Principle of Gender
The Law of Compensation is ever in operation, striving to balance and counter-balance.
How do you use these the Principles of Rhythm and Vibration?
Very carefully indeed… that is why we need to move on to the other five principles. Suffice it to say, knowing that everything vibrates, and everything is rhythmic is the best base to launch from. Knowing that there are ratios and octaves in frequencies clues us into the knowledge that everything is interconnected and interactive.
The Principles of Vibration and Rhythm define physicality; thus, they are in alignment with the Instinct or Body view of the Tetrahedral everything that is. As you discover these properties, you can learn to transcend and rise-up the scale. There is a reason there are 7 principles and we will discover how The Principle of Correspondence and The Principle of Cause & Effect ride on the rhythm and vibration of everything, allowing mental transmutation. We will see the Yin Yang opposition within both The Principle of Gender and The Principle of Polarity. Time will tell, it always does. The Principle of Mentalism is our connection directly to ALL of The ALL and The ALL of ALL.
Think – Do – Be
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There is no money required to join and participate in WCM. There is an investment though – time and effort. For me it is a wise investment, I am grateful for WCM. I am grateful for the time you have already given in reading this article on the Principles of Vibration and Rhythm. I trust there is value here. Please comment below and share your thoughts on what you’ve read today.
This concludes our first view of the Seven Principles of The Kybalion.

John Rogers is a former Wall Street portfolio manager and served as CEO of Premium Enterprises and President of The Colorado Tire Recycling Center. He transitioned to digital marketing, founding WealthCreationMastermind.com to empower home-based entrepreneurs with cutting-edge strategies. Creator of the “Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation” online course, John has driven significant growth in network marketing, achieving the Blue Diamond rank and earning the title of Univera Associate of the Year in 2015. His expertise in leveraging technology for financial success transforms how entrepreneurs achieve their business goals.